The Prescription for Small Business Success:
How To Not Only Compete—But Thrive—Against Big Retail Chains

Presented by award-winning entrepreneurs and small business owners Tony and Anna Kantzavelos

While running a small business can feel like a continual uphill battle — it doesn’t need to be!

For example, are you…

  • A small-business owner who’s struggling to compete against larger competitors, online businesses, or big retail chains?
  • Tired of lowering your prices in an effort to compete yet also trying to stay afloat?
  • Not drawn to putting all your efforts into marketing and social media in order to attract customers?
  • Having trouble attracting and keeping great employees?

There are so many factors that go into succeeding in business that it’s easy to get trapped into trying to do what works for larger companies. But we should remember that we’re not them, so let’s not run our businesses like them (in fact, there are great advantages in that).

As small-business owners themselves, they understand that competing and thriving against big businesses can be difficult.

But it can be made easier.

How? By doing the exact opposite of what large companies do. Remember, David didn’t defeat Goliath by trying to be Goliath, but by playing by his own set of rules!

In this Special Zoom event, Tony and Anna will give you tips to elevate your business going into 2024 by sharing how:

  • Competing on price is a never-ending battle, and not a great way to run your business for long-term success. There’s a better way.
  • Choosing and keeping great employees depends on two critical factors.
  • Pulling the curtain back allows customers to connect with you.
  • To attract more customers (don’t worry, it’s not about creating an elaborate social media campaign).
  • An underestimated, yet powerful, advantage you have over large companies can help your business today, and for years to come.
  • To increase ROI by focusing on ROR.
  • …and more!

Tony and Anna Kantzavelos are the owners of Nora Apothecary Wellness & Compounding Pharmacy in Indianapolis, Indiana. Tony is a pharmacist and Anna is a physician assistant. They invented a product and later purchased a pharmacy while raising three young children, and understand the heart and soul it takes to run a small business.

Success in anything is never a linear path and like any other business, they’ve had their share of ups and downs. Yet, they have been able to grow their business year after year despite independent pharmacies, as well as large pharmacy chains, surrounding them. They are grateful for the lessons learned so far, and want to share them with others in hopes of helping fellow small businesses.

Be sure to register and join the LIVE event to receive the special guide, 9 Simple Steps to Optimize Your Health… Without the Overwhelm!