Master Your Traits / Master Yourself: Module 4


The Rockefeller Method is all about perpetuating your family’s wealth and legacy in a safe and sustainable way. It’s about laying the foundation to give your heirs all the abundance they need to make an immediate impact, yet structure the wealth transfer in such a way that it can’t be squandered.

The Rockefeller Family trust is our model for this, but you don’t need to be ultra-wealthy to implement this. In this lesson, we show you how to shortcut the entire process so that it can work whether you’ve had a massive business or just average success.

The key is in understanding the principles of perpetuating wealth, and then laying down the foundational pieces to put it into action so that your kids and grandkids don’t have to be born into financial bondage. At the same time, you’ll also be passing on your family values and work ethic to assure that your family fortune is used constructively instead of destructively.


  • If you passed unexpectedly, would your family legacy be perpetuated? Or would your kids or grandkids have free reign to squander what you’ve worked so hard to build?
  • Do you have a family trust set up in addition to a will?
  • Do you have a Statement of Purpose attached to your trust?
  • Do you have a board of directors for your family trust?


  • Read the Cash Flow Banking Mini Course (in the member’s area) which includes excerpts from Garrett’s book “What Would the Rockefellers Do?”
  • Or, a free gift from us to you, get the entire book “What Would the Rockefellers Do?” right here.
  • Consider establishing a family trust and talk to an attorney if you want to learn how to proceed.
  • Download Garrett’s sample Statement of Purpose for ideas, and then write your own (this can be a living document that you regularly update).
  • List 3-5 people you’d trust to have on your family trust Board of Directors.