00:14:49 Kathy Tagenel: Here’s to Creating value, Touching lives, Building Relationships, Being Real, and Staying open…The Go-Giver Way! 00:14:58 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: I really appreciate the NEW MUG 00:15:31 Shell Vera: I'm so glad to know I am not the only one who keeps secrets from myself, Bob! 00:16:04 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "I really appreciate ..." with ❤️ 00:16:07 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "I'm so glad to know ..." with 😂 00:16:08 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "I'm so glad to know ..." with 🙂 00:16:12 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Reacted to "I really appreciate ..." with 👏 00:16:12 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "I'm so glad to know ..." with 🙂 00:16:14 Donn King: More than one speaker of Southern! Yay! 00:16:36 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "More than one speake..." with 😂 00:16:40 Kathy Tagenel: Happy Birthday, Holly@ 00:16:49 Holly Kirby - Serendipity Wine Tours: Replying to "Happy Birthday, Holl..." Thank you!!! 00:17:11 Kathy Tagenel: Congratulations to Peter Mols! 00:17:54 Kathy Tagenel: If you go to https://gogiversuccessalliance.com/ you see’ll the widget in the lower right corner. 00:18:09 Shell Vera: Reacted to "If you go to https:/..." with 💜 00:18:21 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "If you go to https:/..." with 💜 00:18:30 Amber Boskers: I need that feature! 00:18:43 Kim Farber: I love that! 00:19:11 Kathy Tagenel: George, please put your website in the chat. 00:19:37 Noemi Beres: This is brilliant, @George McGillivray 00:19:45 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn via my website at: https://davidgood.org/ 00:20:06 Kathy Tagenel: Wonderful to have you here with us today! 00:20:19 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Hey Frank! Nice to see you! 00:20:30 Jeff West: Welcome, Yvette! 00:20:42 Kathy Tagenel: Welcome Yvette! So great to have you with us. 00:20:42 Noemi Beres: Welcome, Yvette! 00:20:44 Donn King: Welcome, Yvette! 00:20:53 Angelique Liles: Welcome Yvette! 00:20:56 Kimberly Schaber: Hi Yvette! Welcome! 00:20:58 Brenda Yoho: Welcome, Yvette! 00:21:06 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: I spent 5 years in Beijing from 2009 to 2014 consulting the central government 00:21:17 Peg Duchesne | NABK: I use a Lenovo laptop and love if -- Welcome, @Yvette Shen!! 00:21:18 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: we might have dined in the same place. :) 00:21:20 Shell Vera: It has been so good to meet you Yvette! 00:21:41 Jeff West: Welcome, Theresa! Glad you’re here! 00:21:47 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Yvette is a very impressive woman! 00:21:49 Angelique Liles: Welcome Theresa! 00:21:55 Shell Vera: Welcome Theresa. 00:21:57 Kathy Tagenel: Welcome Theresa! Wonderful to have you with us. 00:22:01 Brenda Yoho: Welcome, Theresa! 00:22:03 Corina Manea: Welcome everyone! 00:22:04 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Welcome Theresa! 00:22:05 Frank Montes: Replying to "Hey Frank! Nice to s..." Good morning. Great to see you as well. 00:22:10 Yvette Shen: Thank you so much everyone!!!! I hope to connect with you all each! Hope you all have a fabulous morning 00:22:13 Kathy Tagenel: Welcome Robert! Thrilled to have you with us today. 00:22:13 Noemi Beres: Welcome, Theresa! 00:22:14 Jeff West: Welcome, Robert! 00:22:22 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I use a Lenovo lapto..." that's so good - the think pad? 00:22:24 Kimberly Schaber: Hi Theresa! Welcome! 00:22:25 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: I live in Queens! :) 00:22:27 Noemi Beres: Welcome, Robert! 00:22:28 Brenda Yoho: Welcome, Robert! 00:22:34 Donn King: Welcome, Theresa! 00:22:37 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." wow, Jason, that's really impressive, where are you originally from 00:22:39 Donn King: Welcome, Robert! 00:22:44 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome, Yvette!" with ❤️ 00:22:46 Angelique Liles: Welcome Robert! Could you please send off that rain to Texas? 😂 00:22:47 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome Yvette! So g..." with 😁 00:22:48 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." I am Korean born in Singapore. :) 00:22:49 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome, Yvette!" with 👧 00:22:52 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome, Yvette!" with 😘 00:22:54 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome Yvette!" with 😺 00:22:57 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome, Yvette!" with 😘 00:22:59 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Hi Yvette! Welcome!" with ❤️ 00:23:03 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "I use a Lenovo lapto..." with 🤓 00:23:07 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "we might have dined ..." with 😁 00:23:07 Noemi Beres: Replying to "Welcome Robert! Coul..." Or to Cyprus, Europe? 😂 00:23:07 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Glad to have you here, @Robert Dienes 00:23:10 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." so I have very deep emotional ties with Beijing and so nice to have you here! where are you based in now? 00:23:10 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "It has been so good ..." with 😁 00:23:10 Frank Montes: Welcome to the group Yvette, Robert, and Susan. 00:23:12 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome, Theresa! Gl..." with 👧 00:23:18 Jeff West: Welcome, Susan! 00:23:20 Donna Stott: So many awesome Realtors! 00:23:20 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Welcome Susan! 00:23:23 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Yvette is a very imp..." with 🤩 00:23:30 Shell Vera: Welcome Robert and Susan. 00:23:31 Angelique Liles: Welcome to the group Susan! 00:23:32 Noemi Beres: Welcome Susan 00:23:36 Donn King: Welcome, Susan! 00:23:43 Kathy Tagenel: Welcome Susan! So delighted to have you join us today. 00:23:43 Brenda Yoho: Welcome, Susan! 00:23:45 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." I spent 5 years in shanghai before going to Beijing so I spent 10 years in China 00:23:48 Kimberly Schaber: Welcome Robert! 00:23:50 Kim Farber: Welcome Susan! 00:24:01 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." It's so nice to meet you Jason, yes I spent my first 17 years of life there, it's a great fast-developing city! I am now based on Vancouver, Canada. 00:24:10 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." What about you, Jason? 00:24:10 Kimberly Schaber: Hi Theresa! Welcome! 00:24:15 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." I am based in NYC, now so far away. :) 00:24:15 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Welcome to the group..." with ❤️ 00:24:18 Shari Goldin: Welcome Yvette! Welcome Robert! Welcome Susan! So pleased you’re here! 00:24:21 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." not so far away. :) 00:24:43 Peg Duchesne | NABK: @Susan Smith | Jersey Shore - great to have you here! 00:24:53 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." yes the world is small with all the technology and transportation 00:24:58 Donn King: I won't be able to stay on, but I wanted to let folks know that Angelique Liles will be our guest on Friday at 10 AM on The Alignment Show. Fascinating conversation! https://confidencecultivator.substack.com/p/upcoming-the-alignment-show-with-036 00:25:01 Susan Smith | Jersey Shore: Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! Happy to be here with you! 00:25:04 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Let's all LINK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pegduchesne/ 00:25:07 Kim Farber: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with ❤️ 00:25:10 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with ❤️ 00:25:10 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Thank you for the wa..." with ❤️ 00:25:16 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I spent 5 years in B..." hahahah yeah, did you happen to be in BJ during the 2009 to 2014 period? 00:25:16 Corina Manea: Happy to connect on LinkedIn too: https://www.linkedin.com/in/corinamanea/ 00:25:24 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Let's all LINK: htt..." with 👍 00:25:29 Donn King: Would be happy to connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donnellking/ 00:25:32 Angelique Liles: Replying to "I won't be able to s..." I enjoyed being your guest! 00:25:37 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with 💖 00:25:40 Corina Manea: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with ❤️ 00:25:42 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with ❤️ 00:25:48 Donn King: Reacted to "I enjoyed being your..." with 💎 00:25:59 Trae Bohlen: Lets connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/traebohlen/ 00:26:20 David Good | The Friend Magnet: Please connect with me on LinkedIn via my website at https://davidgood.org 00:27:52 Kathy Tagenel: Connect with George to learn more about his LeadChest widget: https://thegogiveracademy.com/members/755c63f418237704/ 00:28:06 Kathy Tagenel: George’s website: https://webecommarketing.co.uk 00:28:17 Debbie Britt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbiebrittlaw/ 00:28:19 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "I won't be able to s..." with 💖 00:29:27 Yvette Shen: this is so true 00:30:00 Trae Bohlen: I just tilled up and plowed my wild flower field yesterday! It takes work and time to prep the soil to be ready for the seed to take root and grow. 🌸🌼🥀 00:30:11 Jeff West: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:30:13 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:30:14 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:30:26 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with 💖 00:30:34 Debbie Britt: Nice, Trae! I would love to hear more about your wildflower field! 00:30:39 Susan Smith | Jersey Shore: https://linkedIn.com/in/susanlehnertsmith 00:30:43 Jeff Borschowa: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:31:12 Debbie Britt: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with 🩷 00:31:19 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:31:43 Jeff Borschowa: I love connecting with fellow Go-Givers on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-borschowa 00:32:35 Angelique Liles: I love connecting on LinkedIn! 00:32:41 Angelique Liles: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelique-liles-aspire/ 00:33:27 Jeff West: Same for me… https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffcwest/ 00:33:31 Noemi Beres: Let’s connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noemiberes/ 00:33:37 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: That was EXACTLY what I did when I was in high school!!! I started a tuition agency that way with no money 00:34:26 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: At first I taught personally, then I started roping in my friends and eventually I went hands off and even bought my family's very first mobile phone (looked like a brick back then haha) 00:35:25 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "At first I taught pe..." with ❤️ 00:36:43 Corina Manea: Reacted to "At first I taught pe..." with ❤️ 00:39:06 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: yeah, I met plenty of nurses who is just in it for the money 00:41:12 Susan Smith | Jersey Shore: Reacted to "Welcome to the group…" with ❤️ 00:42:45 Shell Vera: One of my first childhood goals was to be the first female player for the Atlanta Hawks... until I realized I am terrible at basketball. 00:42:58 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "One of my first chil..." with 💜 00:43:03 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "One of my first chil..." with 💙 00:43:07 Todd Davis: Reacted to "One of my first chil..." with 💜 00:43:15 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "One of my first chil..." with ❤️ 00:43:39 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "One of my first chil..." with ❤️ 00:44:06 Brenda Yoho: Does it matter how much value we as a society place on positions? 00:44:28 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Does it matter how m..." with 👀 00:44:36 Angelique Liles: Replying to "Does it matter how m..." Great question! I tend to value a person’s character over their title 00:44:42 Donn King: I know a nurse who went from LPN to RN to Nurse Anesthetist. At each level, her salary went up tremendously, Nurse Anesthetists make somewhere around $170,000. 00:45:06 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Great question! I te..." with 💜 00:46:44 Kathy Tagenel: “Lead with Two Rules” by Brenda Yoho 00:46:53 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "“Lead with Two Rules..." with ❤️ 00:47:08 Kathy Tagenel: Connect with Brenda: https://thegogiveracademy.com/members/4431430580285904/ 00:47:18 Kathy Tagenel: BrendaYoho.com 00:47:24 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "“Lead with Two Rules..." with ❤️ 00:47:44 Kathy Tagenel: Please be sure to fill in your member profile: https://thegogiveracademy.com/groups/the-go-giver-success-alliance-mentorship-community/members/ 00:47:51 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: a lot of people didn't know that economics is study of human behavior 00:48:42 Angelique Liles: Replying to "a lot of people didn..." I got one of my degrees in economics and was fascinated with how much it involved human behavior. 00:48:49 Donn King: Quick note for the interested: The next book in The Sparklight Chronicles (Medium Well) is out, but we're going to drop the hardcover price soon. If you would like an ebook, it's at http://DonnKing.com/MediumWell, but if you want a hardcover, hold on for a bit. (The paperback is set pretty well already.) I have to run! See you in David's informal gathering and/or next month! 00:48:53 Kimberly Schaber: 100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life https://richardweylman.com/100provenways/ 00:49:13 Kim Farber: Reacted to "Quick note for the i..." with ❤️ 00:49:14 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "Quick note for the i..." with 💜 00:49:14 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "100 Proven Ways to A..." with ❤️ 00:49:21 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "Quick note for the i..." with ❤️ 00:49:59 Kathy Tagenel: The recording from LIVE Q&A is available at https://thegogiveracademy.com/100-proven-ways/ (Due to a technical issue we only have the last 39 minutes.) 00:50:16 Kathy Tagenel: Replying to "100 Proven Ways to A..." Thank you, Kim! 00:50:18 Yermi Kurkus: Wow - such an important tactic indeed. 00:50:31 Shell Vera: For reflection: Could it be because we give money to those whose world we get to feel like we are a part of? (I believe many of the highest paid professionals (versus highest valued as in stocks, bonds, investments) are people who entertain us and have a public personality of some kind, even if it's a team behind them. I will fact check myself on that.) 00:51:14 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "I just tilled up and..." with ❤️ 00:51:24 Yermi Kurkus: I found that people respect you as someone who is thorough enough to see something through to the end and making sure that they remember how important they are to you 00:51:25 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "I know a nurse who w..." with ❤️ 00:51:26 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "“Lead with Two Rules..." with ❤️ 00:51:31 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "a lot of people didn..." with ❤️ 00:51:35 Yvette Shen: Replying to "a lot of people didn..." oh yes for sure 00:51:37 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "I found that people ..." with ⭐ 00:51:41 Yvette Shen: Replying to "a lot of people didn..." the invisible hands 00:51:43 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "I found that people ..." with ⭐ 00:51:50 Shell Vera: Reacted to "I got one of my degr..." with 💜 00:51:58 Noemi Beres: Replying to "I found that people ..." So true. 00:52:00 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "I found that people ..." with ⭐ 00:52:43 Brenda Yoho: Reacted to "I found that people …" with ⭐ 00:52:47 Brenda Yoho: Reacted to "a lot of people didn…" with ❤️ 00:53:00 Kim Farber: What book is this? 00:53:08 Kathy Tagenel: https://thegogiveracademy.com/100-proven-ways/ 00:53:08 Kim Farber: I missed that 00:53:13 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "a lot of people didn..." with 👍 00:53:36 Amber Boskers: Reacted to "https://thegogiverac..." with ❤️ 00:53:46 Yermi Kurkus: I would also add - cardinal sin of sales is to talk *down* to the person. 00:53:47 Kathy Tagenel: Richard’s new book: https://richardweylman.com/100provenways/ 00:53:56 Kimberly Schaber: 100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life https://richardweylman.com/100provenways/ 00:53:57 Kathy Tagenel: Replying to "I would also add - c..." So true! 00:53:57 Kim Farber: Reacted to "100 Proven Ways to A..." with ❤️ 00:54:12 Debbie Britt: Such a valuable book! A fixture now on the corner of my desk and turning the "tactics" into action items with my current 90 day plan (and beyond) :) 00:54:17 Shell Vera: Reacted to "I would also add - c..." with 💜 00:54:23 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "100 Proven Ways to A..." with ❤️ 00:54:26 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Such a valuable book..." with ❤️ 00:54:26 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "Such a valuable book..." with ❤️ 00:54:26 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Such a valuable book..." with 💜 00:54:37 Shell Vera: Replying to "Such a valuable book..." I am enjoying the word swaps. 00:54:51 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "I am enjoying the wo..." with ❤️ 00:55:51 Debbie Britt: Replying to "Such a valuable book..." 🙂 Love the word swaps! 00:55:53 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Quick note for the i..." with 💜 00:56:34 Shell Vera: Reacted to "🙂 Love the word swa..." with 💜 00:56:52 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "Such a valuable book..." with 🙂 00:56:56 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "I am enjoying the wo..." with ❤️ 00:56:57 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "🙂 Love the word swa..." with 💜 01:18:40 Brenda Yoho: http://linkedin.com/in/brendayoho 01:18:40 Amber Boskers: These break out groups are awesome! 01:18:45 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "These break out grou..." with 🤩 01:18:50 Kathy Tagenel: Angelique Liles will be on Donn King’s guest on Friday at 10 AM ET on The Alignment Show. Fascinating conversation! https://confidencecultivator.substack.com/p/upcoming-the-alignment-show-with-036 01:18:55 Kim Farber: That was great- I enjoyed my time with Carroll and George! 01:18:56 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "That was great- I en..." with ❤️ 01:18:57 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: always too short 01:18:59 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: hahahaha 01:18:59 Brenda Yoho: Yohobren@gmail.com 01:19:05 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "These break out grou..." with ❤️ 01:19:20 Trae Bohlen: Beautiful conversation with Peg! 01:19:24 Susan Rooks -- the Grammar Goddess: Please link to me on LinkedIn, OK? Susan Rooks, the Grammar Goddess. 01:19:42 Amber Boskers: Reacted to "Please link to me on..." with ❤️ 01:19:50 Noemi Beres: Loved the conversation with @Shari Goldin and @Kim Pellegrino today 01:20:06 Kim Pellegrino: Reacted to "Loved the conversati..." with ❤️ 01:20:29 Brenda Yoho: Jack Holley connect with @Noemi Beres 01:20:34 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "Angelique Liles will..." with ❤️ 01:20:54 Shari Goldin: Reacted to "Loved the conversati..." with ❤️ 01:20:57 Jeff West: Welcome, Jack! 01:21:00 Debbie Britt: Great breakout session with JJ and Yvette! So glad to spend time with both! :) 01:21:07 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "Great breakout sessi..." with 💖 01:21:20 Kimberly Schaber: Hi Jack! Welcome!!! 01:21:39 Angelique Liles: Welcome Jack! 01:21:41 Kathy Tagenel: Welcome Jack! So great to have you with us. 01:21:41 Shell Vera: Hi Everyone, I mentioned in the community that I attended a Masterclass yesterday and found that it could be very helpful for some of you who are intimidated by email marketing. It had really easy-to execute ideas and tips on storytelling and how to write emails people want to read. If your audience likes words and likes to read, it was helpful. 01:21:41 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Great decision, @Ja 01:21:51 Corina Manea: Welcome, Jack! 01:21:52 Trae Bohlen: Welcome! 01:22:03 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Great decision, @Jack Holley - welcome!! 01:22:09 Shell Vera: Here's the replay link. I have permission to share: Watch the replay! How to write emails people want to read | Flodesk x TONIC (youtube.com) 01:22:29 Kathy Tagenel: Replying to "Here's the replay li..." Thank you for sharing, Shell! 01:23:05 Kim Pellegrino: Replying to "Here's the replay li..." @Shell Vera - says video not available 🙁 01:23:41 Shell Vera: Replying to "Here's the replay li..." https://youtu.be/3C7r8fZhjLc?feature=shared How about this way? I see it. 01:23:52 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Thank you for sharin..." with 💜 01:24:15 Frank Montes: Welcome to the group @Jack Holley 01:24:30 Shari Goldin: Replying to "Here's the replay li..." I have the video! The first link worked. 01:24:38 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "Beautiful conversati..." with 💖 01:24:49 Shari Goldin: Hi Jack! Welcome! 01:25:03 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Replying to "Beautiful conversati..." Likewise, @Trae Bohlen! 💥 01:25:11 Kim Pellegrino: Replying to "Here's the replay li..." Thank you! 01:25:13 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "Here's the replay li..." with 💖 01:25:29 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "Beautiful conversati..." with 💖 01:25:35 Jack Holley: Thank you everyone! Looking forward to developing relationships and contributing to this community. 01:25:44 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Thank you everyone! ..." with ❤️ 01:25:55 Jeff West: Great coaching, Shell! 01:26:02 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "Great coaching, Shel..." with ⭐ 01:26:06 Trae Bohlen: Yes authentic matters! 01:26:13 Noemi Beres: Great advice, @Shell 01:26:24 Jack Holley: Great information, Shell 01:27:11 David Good | The Friend Magnet: please feel free to find my LinkedIn on my website at: https://davidgood.org 01:27:12 Angelique Liles: When you don’t use your authentic voice you are basically giving up the ability to be heard. In my opinion. 01:27:15 Kim Farber: Would love to connect! https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimfarber/ 01:27:22 Peg Duchesne | NABK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pegduchesne/ 01:27:22 Jeff West: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffcwest/ 01:27:27 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "When you don’t use y..." with 💙 01:27:29 Yermi Kurkus: Yermi Kurkus - Strategic Connections Advisor yermi@yermikurkus.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yermikurkus/ 01:27:30 Corina Manea: Happy to connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/corinamanea/ 01:27:37 Debbie Britt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbiebrittlaw/ 01:27:39 Trae Bohlen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/traebohlen/ 01:27:47 Noemi Beres: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noemiberes/ 01:27:47 Kathy Tagenel: Join us on April 18th at 2:00 pm EDT for Trae Bohlen’s and Val Roskens Tews’s Member Workshop on Your Personal Brand & Contact: Creating a Message of Transformation: https://thegogiveracademy.com/upcoming-event/your-personal-brand/ 01:27:59 Corina Manea: Reacted to "Join us on April 18t..." with ❤️ 01:28:05 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "Join us on April 18t..." with 🔥 01:28:11 George McGillivray: Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgemcgillivray1/ 01:28:12 Kathy Tagenel: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathytagenel/ 01:28:24 Brenda Yoho: Thank you everyone.. have to go to my coaching meeting. 01:28:26 Trae Bohlen: I want to be rich in relationships! 😍 01:28:31 Fred Dannhauser: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fred-dannhauser-b531581/ 01:28:31 Kim Farber: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:28:34 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:28:38 Jack Holley: My LinkedIn is being re-invented but here is the link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackholley2/ 01:28:39 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 💖 01:28:43 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 👏 01:28:47 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Great coaching, Shel..." with 💜 01:28:49 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 💥 01:28:49 Yermi Kurkus: I just recently got my wife onto Jason’s videos - she’s loving them - the videos are so powerful 01:28:53 Corina Manea: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:29:12 Corina Manea: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with 👏 01:29:19 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Yes authentic matter..." with 💜 01:29:24 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:29:25 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "Great coaching, Shel..." with 💜 01:29:27 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Great advice, @Shell" with 💜 01:29:30 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Great information, S..." with 💜 01:29:39 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "When you don’t use y..." with ❤️ 01:29:53 Shari Goldin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shari-goldin-a0061a4/ 01:30:12 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with 💖 01:30:24 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "My LinkedIn is being..." with 🔥 01:30:32 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with ❤️ 01:31:37 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with 💖 01:31:42 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I just recently got ..." which videos? 01:32:03 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:32:24 Yermi Kurkus: Replying to "I just recently got ..." On LinkedIn and Instagram - my wife is currently “catching up” on the videos and she’s really enjoying them 01:32:30 Val Roskens Tews: https://www.linkedin.com/in/val-roskens-tews/ 01:33:21 Jeff West: My favorite definition of “rich”, is “Having enough money to enjoy your time, and enough time to enjoy your money.” 01:33:37 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 💜 01:33:37 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 🌟 01:33:37 Debbie Britt: Love that Jeff! 01:33:41 Corina Manea: Replying to "My favorite definiti..." Love this, Jeff. That’s what truly rich means. 01:33:49 Jeff West: Reacted to "Love that Jeff!" with ❤️ 01:33:51 Corina Manea: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 💜 01:34:21 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Awesome, @Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite -- you always bring the Dynamite!!! 🔥 01:34:23 Angelique Liles: Mic Drop @Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite 01:34:28 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 👏 01:34:34 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "Awesome, @Jason Jang..." with ⭐ 01:34:44 Noemi Beres: Thank you, JJ! Mic drop for sure 🔥 01:34:47 Yermi Kurkus: Powerful lesson @Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite - thanks for your share. 01:34:58 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Awesome, @Jason Jang..." with 💥 01:34:58 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "Mic Drop @Jason Jang..." with 💥 01:35:23 Frank Montes: JJ bringing the 🔥 01:35:33 Debbie Britt: Thank you so much Jason! I wrote down several quotes from you 🙂 Checking out your videos ASAP. Thanks for sharing! 01:35:39 Yermi Kurkus: One of my favorite lessons that I learned from @Bob Burg was “have a target to make other people’s lives better - the reward for hitting the target will come in form of compensation” - very aligned with JJ’s lesson 01:35:58 Jeff West: 🎤+💧 01:36:05 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "🎤+💧" with ⭐ 01:36:07 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with 🤩 01:36:09 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "JJ bringing the 🔥" with 😁 01:36:13 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ⭐ 01:36:14 Kimberly Schaber: EXCELLENT message, thank you JJ 💥 01:36:18 Debbie Britt: Reacted to "EXCELLENT message, t..." with 🩷 01:36:20 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ⭐ 01:36:21 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "JJ bringing the 🔥" with 😁 01:36:21 Yvette Shen: thank you so much for sharing @Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite it was so inspirational! 01:36:28 Debbie Britt: Reacted to "🎤+💧" with 🩷 01:36:30 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ❤️ 01:36:36 Jack Holley: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with 👍 01:36:43 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "thank you so much fo..." with ❤️ 01:37:00 Kathy Tagenel: Great distinction, Jason! 01:37:23 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "Great distinction, J..." with 💙 01:37:31 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ❤️ 01:37:48 Kathy Tagenel: Thank you, @Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite ! 01:37:50 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "JJ bringing the 🔥" with 😂 01:37:55 Angelique Liles: Reacted to "Great distinction, J..." with 💙 01:37:55 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 💜 01:38:02 Yvette Shen: David, you are so good with hosting, that's your niche!!!!! @David Good | The Friend Magnet 01:38:03 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Thank you all for enjoying it. 🙂 appreciate it. :) 01:38:12 Corina Manea: Reacted to "Thank you all for en..." with 🙏 01:38:15 Trae Bohlen: Love this quote: Money is a needful and precious thing,—and, when well used, a noble thing,—but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. -Little Women 01:38:18 David Good | The Friend Magnet: https://davidgood.org david@davidgood.org 01:38:24 Yvette Shen: Replying to "Thank you all for en..." you are a talented speaker 01:38:32 David Good | The Friend Magnet: @Yvette Shen Thanks! 01:38:35 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "@Yvette Shen Thanks!" with 🤩 01:38:46 Kathy Tagenel: SALESWISE LIVE™ https://saleswiselive.com/ 01:38:53 Corina Manea: Reacted to "SALESWISE LIVE™ http..." with ❤️ 01:38:57 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "Love this quote: Mon..." with ❤️ 01:39:18 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "thank you so much fo..." with ❤️ 01:39:21 David Good | The Friend Magnet: I need to go a few minutes early. I have a doctor appointment at 1pm. Have a great day! 01:39:24 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "thank you so much fo..." Thank you for enjoying it. :) 01:39:44 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Thank you for enjoyi..." with 🤗 01:39:47 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "Thank you, JJ! Mic d..." Thank you for enjoying it. :) 01:39:54 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "Thank you, JJ! Mic d..." with ❤️ 01:39:54 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Thank you, JJ! Mic d..." with ❤️ 01:40:03 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Thank you so much Ja..." with ❤️ 01:40:16 Val Roskens Tews: Reacted to "Love this quote: Mon..." with ❤️ 01:40:17 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "Thank you so much Ja..." awwww big honor. :) 01:40:20 Yvette Shen: love the bromance between bob and fred 01:40:26 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Thank you so much Ja..." with ❤️ 01:40:27 Jeff West: Great job, JJ! 01:40:29 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with 🤩 01:40:30 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ⭐ 01:40:30 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with ❤️ 01:40:31 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "One of my favorite l..." with 👍 01:40:33 Noemi Beres: Reacted to "love the bromance be..." with 🙂 01:40:34 Yermi Kurkus: Reacted to "love the bromance be..." with 🤣 01:40:40 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "love the bromance be..." with 🙂 01:40:58 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Bob is amazing at remembering names - I was on a podcast last week an mentioned his extraordinary talent and that book! @Bob Burg I will share the link so you can hear the replay! 01:41:07 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "Bob is amazing at re..." with ❤️ 01:41:21 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Great distinction, J..." with 💙 01:41:24 Kimberly Schaber: Reacted to "Bob is amazing at re..." with ❤️ 01:41:42 Kathy Tagenel: Reacted to "Bob is amazing at re..." with 💖 01:41:42 Shell Vera: "We spend money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like." 01:42:01 Kim Pellegrino: If anyone is interested, I was at a community meeting today where we were introduced to Yoodli ai - where it teaches you communication skills - a AI speech coach 01:42:06 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "Thank you all for en..." hahahah thank you, learned a lot about speaking during that 10 years in China where I gave talks around the country. 01:42:16 Shell Vera: Brynne is the BEST with LinkedIn training and shares great tips from them at corporate too! 01:42:25 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with 👏 01:42:26 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with 💖 01:42:27 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I just recently got ..." with ❤️ 01:42:30 Kim Pellegrino: Reacted to "Brynne is the BEST w..." with ❤️ 01:42:33 Peg Duchesne | NABK: Reacted to "Brynne is the BEST w..." with 🌟 01:42:34 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I just recently got ..." awwwwww big honor! thank you! 01:42:39 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with ❤️ 01:42:40 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 💖 01:42:42 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 👏 01:42:42 Yvette Shen: Replying to "Thank you all for en..." in Chinese or English? 01:42:43 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "I want to be rich in..." with 💥 01:42:52 Yvette Shen: Reacted to "On LinkedIn and Inst..." with 🤩 01:43:03 Peg Duchesne | NABK: This will be an awesome workshop! 01:43:11 Kathy Tagenel: Join us on April 18th at 2:00 pm EDT for Trae Bohlen’s and Val Roskens Tews’s Member Workshop on Your Personal Brand & Contact: Creating a Message of Transformation: https://thegogiveracademy.com/upcoming-event/your-personal-brand/ 01:43:14 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "I just recently got ..." @Yvette Shen I post weekly videos about my ideas about money on my LinkedIn. :) 01:43:19 Kim Pellegrino: Replying to "If anyone is interes..." Improve your public speaking with Yoodli - AI Speech coach 01:43:21 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 🌟 01:43:21 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 💜 01:43:22 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "My favorite definiti..." with 👏 01:43:25 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Awesome, @Jason Jang..." with ⭐ 01:43:26 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Awesome, @Jason Jang..." with 💥 01:43:26 Yvette Shen: Replying to "I just recently got ..." i will follow you afterwards. 01:43:29 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "Awesome, @Jason Jang..." awww thank you 01:43:32 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Mic Drop @Jason Jang..." with 💥 01:43:39 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Thank you, JJ! Mic d..." with ❤️ 01:43:43 Corina Manea: Looking forward to it, Val and Trae! 01:43:45 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "Powerful lesson @Jas..." with ❤️ 01:43:46 Peg Duchesne | NABK: what a phenomenal duo!! 01:43:51 Shell Vera: Reacted to "Join us on April 18t..." with 💜 01:43:51 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "Powerful lesson @Jas..." Thank you for enjoying it. :) 01:43:57 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "JJ bringing the 🔥" with 😁 01:44:00 Noemi Beres: Great team Val and Trae 01:44:02 Shell Vera: Looking forward to learning from you both. 01:44:10 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Reacted to "EXCELLENT message, t..." with 🩷 01:44:17 Jason Jang, JJ Dynamite: Replying to "EXCELLENT message, t..." I hope its useful for you. :) 01:44:20 Debbie Britt: Looking forward to this workshop!